Hope and Help for
Families and Friends of Addicts
About Nar-Anon
What Can I Expect at a Meeting
Most meetings last from 60-90 minutes. During this time:
The meeting chair and others read from Nar-Anon approved literature.
Everyone will introduce themselves by first name only.
The Twelve Steps and/or Twelve Traditions are read.
A donation basket is passed at each meeting. First time attendees are not expected to contribute.
A member shares on a Nar-anon topic; members have the opportunity to share their experience, strength and hope.
The Serenity Prayer is generally used at some point in the meeting.
Some general comments about Nar-anon meetings:
Many say they gain the most knowledge by listening to others share their experience, strength and hope.
No one path fits everyone. You decide for yourself what is right for you.
"Take what you want and leave the rest".
We share our experience so that we might better understand the Nar-Anon program and ourselves, and to give encouragement and help to the new member.
First time attendees often share what brought them to the group. If you are not comfortable with sharing, you are welcome to simply listen.
If you have questions, wait until after the meeting to discuss with one or more of the members. Crosstalk during the meeting is discouraged.
We use only Nar-Anon approved literature. At your first meeting you are given a small packet of information. Please bring the small blue Nar-Anon booklet each time we meet.
The Nar-Anon "SESH" book is a book of daily readings. It can be purchased at any meeting or online at Nar-Anon.org.
Meetings focus on us, not the addict.
Our program is not a religious one, but a spiritual way of life.
We will respect your anonymity and request the same from all who attend.
Some groups have other types of meetings. Some examples:
Speaker Meetings - A speaker(s) shares their individual experiences in more detail.
Step Meetings - A detailed study of the Twelve Steps.
Beginner Meetings - geared towards newcomers.
Business Meetings - usually prior to or following the regular meeting, where the Group's business matters are discussed.
Group Conscience Meetings - an introspective look at programs the Group is considering.
©2021 by Pacific NW Nar-Anon.